Guide du Débutant : Le Vocabulaire de Solana Enfin Expliqué SimplementVous débutez dans l’univers Solana et vous vous sentez perdu face à tous ces termes techniques ? Pas de panique ! Laissez-moi vous guider…Jan 8Jan 8
How we are using Augmented Reality against censorship & government oppressionAR is a new battle ground for expression, the same way walls have been for Street Art. Here is the story of how we are using Augmented…Mar 25, 2022Mar 25, 2022
How to make money with your OVRLands: The OVR Monopoly problemOVR has a monopoly problem. Fortunately, there are also solutions: This article will present what the problem is and solutions to solve it…Dec 27, 20212Dec 27, 20212
Why OVR needs to be friends with is an Augmented Reality platform that wants to create an AR layer over the whole world. This article is intended to discuss how to…Dec 24, 2021Dec 24, 2021
OVR Build-to-Earn part 2: Creating a robust systemThis is the part 2 of the OVR Build To Earn proposition: Read “Part 1: OVR: The case for Build-to-Earn” if you haven’t already.Dec 23, 2021Dec 23, 2021
OVR: The case for Build-to-EarnThe OVR team recently decided to give 10% of land sales back to 10 random buyers each month.Dec 22, 2021Dec 22, 2021
Roles & Rewards for Art in the age of DeFi & NFTsHey explorers of the Metaverse. We have the chance to witness the beginning of the DeFi Era, where we do not need to sign endless sheets of…Sep 14, 2021Sep 14, 2021
Le petit Guide des crypto-monnaies : Les découvrir & investirDISCLAIMER : Je ne suis pas un professionnel de la finance, donc rien ici n’est du conseil financier. Je suis juste un informaticien de…Aug 14, 2021Aug 14, 2021