OVR Build-to-Earn part 2: Creating a robust system

2 min readDec 23, 2021


This is the part 2 of the OVR Build To Earn proposition:
“Part 1: OVR: The case for Build-to-Earn” if you haven’t already.

Diego, COO of OVR, responded to the original Build to Earn proposition listing his concerns. In this article we will try to describe what a robust system would look like. Please feel free to poke holes on the propositions in the comment, and to suggest you improvements.

Here are some ideas of how to implement it:

1) Barrier to entry

OVR can set the rules of who is eligible for the Build to Earn:
- KYC: no Build to Earn if KYC is not completed. This solves the fake accounts, at least partly.
EDIT: KYC is a big no-no for a lot of users coming from the crypto sphere, I’m currently looking at ways to find a solution without it.

- Staking commitment: Being an OVR builder could have a OVR staking barrier to entry (the same way in blockchain projects you need to stake the crypto to be a validator node). For example a creator account should have at least 400 OVR staked for 12 months to be eligible. Staking also allows to punish bad behavior: if someone is caught trying to game the system, is staked tokens are burned. This is a system used in several crypto projects for validator nodes.

2) Soft cap

One easy way to make the system less gameable is to put a cap on how much money you can make. This cap could be a soft cap (with a log function), meaning it takes more and more work to put earn more OVR, making it de-facto non-viable after a certain point

3) Large reach

Give less, but to more people. There is less incentive in finding a way to game the system if all you earn for it is a couple dozen OVRs.

4) Use unique verified visitors

If the reward is proportional to the number of unique visitors, then there is no use in smashing the refresh button. If the visitors need to be verified (KYC’d) to count, then you cannot make fake visits.

5) Use a rating system

Letting people rate experience is one way to help with not being able to game the system. The quadratic voting system from the ARwards could for instance be copied and used for all experiences

6) Mix and match

By using a mix of KYC, staking, soft cap, verified visitors, and rating system, I think it becomes very hard to game the system.

Please try to poke holes in this ;)


Lester paints the world, AR artist



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